Auto Free Design

Most urban areas of the United States require auto use for people to meet needs. People can’t get where they need to go without using a vehicle. Auto Free Design presents an alternative for using a vehicle to get to work, school and recreation. For many, owning and operating a vehicle is too expensive and dangerous. Paying for a car means they won’t have money to pay rent, pay for food and what they need to meet needs. If governments make walking, riding a bicycle and using transit the safest, cheapest, fastest way for people to get between destinations, people will be more likely to stop using a vehicle. Vehicle use kills over 40,000 people and injures over 1 million people per year. Walking, bicycling and using transit offers many benefits that last a lifetime. Transit is safer and less money than driving and provides time to eat, sleep, and rest. This book can save you a million dollars. Making safe habits are way to live life to the fullest. This book is for anyone who moves from one place to another, even if its thinking. Another life is waiting where you don’t have to lose big money on an automobile without getting many benefits. How many people do you know who have been killed or injured in a vehicle wreck where innocent people are tortured and killed in a vehicle accident. Walkways, bike lanes and transit are more sustainable and pro-health instead of not moving in a car, people who walk, bicycle and use transit get more exercise and this may reduce the cost of healthcare.