The dominant codes of behavior function to integrate people into the capitalist machine. A shaman can scramble those codes, or break the codes, or crack the codes in order to help people connect to their land air and water, and plants animals and people. And the urban mill you, has nearly exterminated those who dare to connect with nature. Over and over we see it. The seduction of the colonial apparatus, the endless mind numbing commercials, and a nonstop brainwashing makes it nearly impossible for people to chart and operate against the codes. So anyone or anything that connects people to the conditions for a living can be interpretive as the action of the shaman. That is to liberate people from the endless drudgery of work, production, and mindless consumption. The function of the shaman is to liberate people from the dominant codes and connect them with the conditions of life. The conditions of life include the air land and water and plants and animals and people. It’s not such a difficult equation.