Transport Designers

Transport designers translate ideas into action. Years ago, the dominant idea for transport was to make infrastructure for vehicles, sedan cars and trucks could quickly move between destinations. The goals of this transport system were set by the billionaire class of capitalist show who wanted to make sure that people would buy endless amounts of oil and be dependent on oil for heating and moving, two fundamental requirements for middle-class living. And gradually, as more information became available about the cost of the system, people demanded that the government stop or reduce the number of people killed and injured in vehicle accidents. In more forward looking areas, the focus of the future for the built environment was to improve the conditions for people to walk, bicycle and use transit. The high cost of vehicle use in terms of human lives and injuries and call the warming created the conditions for another set of criteria to evaluate a transport system. A transport system is good to the extent that anyone can use it and anyone can get to and from their destination without using a car. The priorities of transport change and require a People change to accommodate the differences