Transport Politicians and Philosophers

Transport is fundamental for the social, economic and political well being of a country. People who seek to improve the lives of their fellow country people know that people are looking for a positive, sustainable future. Incremental, well planned change can invigorate the life action of a community. As the burden of vehicle use is reduced, the benefits for people will accrue.

5 Reasons to adopt Auto Free Design

  • To improve the quality of life for people, plants, animals and the environment.
  • To set the conditions for improving the quality of the air, land, and water.
  • To make a future free of catastrophic climate change.
  • To grow a sustainable economic future.
  • To make a safer, healthier transport system

A philosophy of action enables people to improve the quality of their lives. After facing endless climate catastrophes, the public is ready for another direction that addresses the fundamental problems generated by capitalism. With consumption and production brainwashed into the population, the idea of consuming within the limits of the environment is a foreign notion. After all, what will happen when all the candy is taken away? Addressing climate change is a threat to capitalism. Can philosophers take action?

5 Sustainable Transport Actions to Guide a Sustainable Future

  • Auto Free Design Charente
  • College level courses in sustainable transport and development
  • Set up the ends and means of sustainable future
  • How to stop the greed machine before it stops us
  • How can people, organizations, and groups reduce emission to zero?

Thinkers of the future design solutions to the problems at hand. Does it make sense to worry about clean streets when the streets are 3 to 20 feet underwater? As ignorance, denial and greed guide the policies of those in power, who will speak up for all that can’t speak? At a time when most life is threatened by the will to profit, does it make sense to follow the dominant codes?