Are use my car for many things and I like to use transit to reduce my transport costs and increase my safety. Are use though use the car for hauling things and driving people around including myself. I do not like to use transit because I can sleep, eat, and don’t have to think about driving or getting into an accident, or one of my car breaks down.
have a car and use it to run errands and get work done, but I ride transit to give me a break from driving
Driving is stressful.
I like to relax on transit. I use the time to regenerate by looking out the window and watching the world fade away.
When I use transit, I can eat my lunch. I can’t do it all the time and some people don’t like it, but if I have everything ready, I can have a nice lunch and watch the
I can use the park and ride for the long distance travel. That saves wear and tear on my car.